Will Alex Kerfoot sign in Jersey?

Prospect Alex Kerfoot had very successful season at Harvard, but where will he sign?

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In the battle of Devils prospects, Joey Anderson and the University of Minnesota-Duluth Bulldogs came out on top over Alexander Kefoot and his Harvard Crimson. With this loss, Kerfoot has closed out his college hockey career. He certainly did so in authoritative fashion as he captained Harvard to an ECAC Championship, number two ranking, and Frozen Four appearance. Statistically Kerfoot had his best season to date, racking up 16 goals and 29 assists in 36 games.

Though Kerfoot is older than other prospect centers like Michael McLeod and Blake Speers he has seemingly had his breakout season this year. Kerfoot’s play has vaulted him from a fringe top 10 prospect to comfortably within the top 5 or 6. Due to his age he is also ready to jump into pro hockey with only minimal development time needed in the AHL, if any.

The question now is whether Kerfoot will sign with the Devils or wait until August 15th and test free agency. This option has come to the forefront recently as last year Jimmy Vesey created a media frenzy by winning the Hobey Baker and then not signing with the Nashville Predators. In the end it was a lot of buzz to sign an average 3rd line winger, but reminded everyone that NCAA players have the option to choose their destiny if they don’t want to play for the team that drafted them.

Kerfoot, former roommates with Vesey, has shown interest in this route due in large part with his desire to play for his hometown Vancouver Canucks. There is much less mystery and intrigue in Kerfoot’s case than last year with Vesey because his list only contains the Devils and Canucks. Even though Kerfoot has expressed direct interest in Vancouver he has also commented.

“It was a dream to play for the Canucks growing up, but I’m property of New Jersey and I’m not looking past the Devils at this point.”

So the Devils will at least have their chance to take a shot at Kerfoot. It is up to Shero to sell him on playing in New Jersey before August 15th or else the Devils may lose one of their most skilled prospects for nothing.

0 comments on “Will Alex Kerfoot sign in Jersey?”

  1. Gilberto Reply

    Yeah either the league or NCAA will have to look into this. if trends like this continue some NHL teams a going to shy away from college players. They could also start to push to sign players before there ready. I agree that college players might want to consider completing college cause for most it a free ride and a degree can help with life outside of hockey but the loophole needs be gone. The league could also look into just saying or putting in its or rule to counter act it like for the team that sign they have to give up the players value in a draft pick that would also work.

  2. Vin Reply

    For me, I hope players who do this don’t succeed in NHL. . Likelihood Kerfoot might just be career AHL’er? I think next CBA should address this. Agents build their clients up like they’re some kind of Messiah. Vesey started out pretty good, but became rather pedestrian. I hope Vesey gets eventually traded to Winnepeg.

  3. kagee Reply

    Should trade him to the Canucks for a draft pick, won’t get much as he will likely be free August 15th, but if you can get a 4th rounder back.
    Vesey the better prospect got a 3rd.

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